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  • 015 Hizuchi Primary School

    • Masatsune MATSUMURA
    • Jiro FUJIMOTO
    • In a small inland town of Hizuchi in Ehime, stands this, all wooden, daringly modern, Primary School. Masatsune Matsumura designed this school in 1958. The zone of classrooms is detached in the plan from the circulation spine with the short access feeders allowing better through ventilation and natural lighting from both sides. The design features such user/ pupil friendly amenities as wide corridors, gentle staircases, wood decks along the river facing side of the building, and other amicable places set aside for pupils. Matsumura received the attention of various institutions, professionals and educators by showing how a school in a new age of the early post WWII era may be designed with a correspondingly new thinking and concept. It is also cited as one of the significant wood structure buildings to express architecture of the modern movement.
    • 1958年
    • ehime