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  • 100 Sekisui Heim M1

    • Katsuhiko OHNO + Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd.
    • Sekisui Chemical Ltd.
    • Unique among the 100 selections, is the Sekisui Heim M1 for being a specific manufactured product line. Under the sustained economic growth period in Japan through the ‘60's to ‘70's with the ensuing housing boom, it was conceived as a pre-fabricated package, to make a modern, economical house; i.e., the standard sized, manufactured light weight steel, rigid frame (or Rahmen) unit boxes, with as many factory pre-out-fitted components and equipments like walls, floors, ceiling panels, faucets, sinks, etc., are assembled on site through an easy and speedy construction method. It was so designed that a given number of standard unit boxes of 2.4m x 5.0m x 2.7m may be connected and stacked in a various combinations to create a 2-story house in an original configuration to suit one’s needs and preferences. The design concept of the units was well thought out as the 1.6m subdivision size was adopted in creating smaller spaces, and the multiple of it for the larger spaces. In the first 14 years after the M1 went on sale, it sold over 100,000 houses.
    • 1970年