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  • 131 Shonan Campus and its Facilities, Tokai University

    • Mamoru YAMADA
    • Toda Corporation, Taisei Corporation
    • In the economic development of Japanese Industry 1960s, most of the Japanese universities were quickly increasing their corresponding capacity for enrollment because of the arrival of the first generation of the post WWII baby-boomer. They built campuses from the center of city to the suburb district because of shortage enough space for campus in the city center area. Such social background, Yamada designed the site planning of the Tokai University Campus to consider the landscape emphasizing the undulation and vista to the Mount Fuji and to correspond to the motorization and mass-education in the social requirements as innovative design in the scale of town planning. The design of each building is composed by the design language of the former works as saying it representative of his works.
    • 1963年
    • kanagawa